Vicārium: How Human Species Evolved?

An introduction video of the the first episode of the Evolution of Human Species Series


Concept & Production: Masimsky Studio
Director: Malik Masim
Sound Mixing: Malik Masim
Translation (RU): Zumrut Ibishova
Translation (AZE): Zeynab Mammadli
Narrator (ENG): Arthur Johnson
Narrator (AZE): Rauf Humbatzade
Narrator (RU): Dunya Bayramova
Edit: Malik Masim

The history of Earth and mankind concerns the development of planet Earth from its formation to the present day, characterized by constant geological change and biological evolution. A small African ape living around 6 Million years ago was the last animal whose descendants would include both modern humans and their closest relatives, the chimpanzees. Only two branches of its family tree have surviving descendants. The most important thing to know about prehistoric humans is that they were unimportant. 70,000 years ago humans were insignificant animals. Their impact on the world was very small, less than that of jellyfish, woodpeckers, or bumblebees.

Vicarium is an online media and popular science channel that presents full 4k episodes of documentaries about History, Mankind, Science, and Space.

Evolution of Human Species Series is ongoing documentary series that will briefly cover the known history of ancient human species and modern civilizations. Every Documentary Film engages its audience with its intro part by giving brief information to the viewer what they will see in the upcoming minutes. The above video is the introduction video of the Evolution of Human Species Series and the full Episode will be launched as soon as it is completed.